Experience the restorative power of sound with this cutting edge studio installation

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Sonic ALchemy

The Sonorium in Rochester, NY

The Sonorium was developed by Svaram Musical Instruments & Research in Auroville, India.

Now the Healing Arts Research Project in collaboration with OneTone Sonic Alchemy has established the first-ever Svaram Sonorium in Rochester, New York.

Sound meditation is a sort of meditation that focuses on concentrated awareness. An analysis of 400 published scientific studies on music as medicine showed substantial evidence that music improves mood and reduces stress in both mental and physical health.

In fact, rhythm and melody can help to relieve physical pain.

“One hour of sound meditation, according to one study, reduces stress, anger, weariness, anxiety, and sadness while also enhancing spiritual well-being.” (Psychology Today, 2019)

Our specialists

Andrea (Drea) Escos - Physical Therapist & Yoga Instructor

Dr. Eran Muto - Osteopath

Lisa Frerichs - Sound Practitioner, Yoga Instructor, Reiki & Craniosacral Therapy

Luke - Sound Practitioner & Music Instructor

Joseph - Osteopath & Sounds Practitioner

Micheal Jay - Tone Scientist & Reiki Master

Upcoming Events

TransSonics: The merging of hypnotherapy and sound healing Workshop with Peter Blum and Michael Jay

November 3rd-5th Friday 6-10pm Saturday 10am-6pm, Sunday 10am-6am

141 west 28th St Suite 301 NY, New York

Types of Services

At The Sonorium space , clients not only have the ability to heal through sessions, but also learn from specialists in workshops and trainings and 1 on 1 tutorials

  • In a session, the client will lie fully clothed on a sound bed and be surrounded by instruments that will aid in the process of bringing them into their own metabolic healing forces.

  • Are designed to mentor participants in the field of energy work, deep listening and energy modalities.

    We offer workshops in the application of sound healing instruments including tuning forks, singing bowls, rhythm instruments and wind instruments.

  • In a tutorial you would work one on one with a practitioner in the development of the healing arts.

Click to view all of our services

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